Faith Class 101: Class 6
The Professor entered the room and wrote on the white board: INVERSION. Then He began to speak in a compassionate manner to the students.
Many of you are worried about the way things are going in Washington, D.C., even to the point of waking up at night in fear. Those who are in God’s Word daily will remain stronger through these times of transition because the Word in your heart will strengthen your faith. Faith overcomes the world and faith in God will see you through...IF you “walk by faith and not by sight.”
Definition of inverted: to turn upside down; reverse in position; inverse; bottom up. So inversion means a change in the position, order, or relationship of things so that they are the opposite of what they had been.
God is at work correcting the inversion that began in the U.S. government many years ago. That which was up is coming down. That which is down is coming up.
Because God is restoring our government, we can be confident that the end result will be marvelous. Hidden in this is Revival.
When God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt they didn’t fully understand what was going to happen. God was giving them the land to establish the Kingdom of God, the Law of God. This would affect the whole earth for generations to come, until the promised Messiah established a better covenant.
Students, when watching or reading negative news reports about our government, remember this word, INVERSION. Boldly declare it over what is being said that is contrary to God’s will.
Abraham: Heir of the World (Romans 4:13)
We saw in our last class, Abram had a name change that brought about a new identity. People began calling him Abraham...Father of Many Nations. They were confessing the Word of the LORD, declaring what would take place in the near future. (See Romans 4:17)
This is what happens when “faith in God” shows up! Inversion!
Can you see this, class?
Abram’s circumstances were hopeless.
His body was incapable of producing life: inoperative, inactive, not working — dead! So was the body of his wife, Sarai.
Exactly the place God waited for.
To bring about a supernatural intervention from the Kingdom of God!
What God was dealing with right here was Abraham’s descendants and one in particular who would change the future course of man’s history. God would bring forth His own Son, born of a virgin, to redeem all mankind from the corruption of sin and death! (Romans 8:1-2)
Death and Life are in the Power of the Tongue (Proverbs 18:21) Abraham, contrary to hope, in hope believed, so that he became his new name: Father of Many Nations.
People were calling this couple what God had declared.
Did it have an effect on them?
Well, of course it did...“faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.”
(Romans 10:17)
Did this affect their hope?
Most certainly!
And if there had not been a personal encounter with Almighty God, and the daily reminder of the circumcision of Abram and all his servants, (Genesis 17:7-14) Isaac would not have been born to an old couple incapable of bearing a child.
But nothing is too hard for God.
Something else to consider about Abraham's circumcision is that blood was shed... Selah
Was there a requirement that God needed to bring about His will in the earth? Yes!
“And this is the victory that has overcome the world — our faith.” (1 John 5:4)
This is that...which is the gospel.
“And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand, saying, ‘In you all the nations shall be blessed.’ So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham.”
(Galatians 3:8-9)
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