"But he who received seed on the good ground
is he who hears the word and understands it,
who indeed bears fruit and produces..."
Matthew 13:23
I have divided the following list of scriptures and positive confessions into five daily sections. But feel free to speak the whole list at one time! “You shall decree a thing and it shall be established.” Job 22:28 Say Out Loud: Day One Life, light, and love, that’s the Blessing, that’s the blessing of God in me. It is permanent! I have faith in my Father. I have faith in the written Word. I am born of God’s (Spirit) breath. I am Kingdom minded. I think life. I speak life. His life permeates my being. ‘In Him I live and move and have my being.” Acts 17:28 No pressure allowed in me. “I think myself happy...” Acts 26:2 I don’t exaggerate: (Means to magnify beyond the fact; fantasy) My life is flowing in the demonstrations of the Blood-bought anointing. Vain imaginations exalt me over Jesus...I CAST that down quickly! My old man was crucified with Him. I am freed from sin. I am not under law but under grace. Romans 6:6, 7, 14 Let spirit-man rule with the living word of God: the SWORD. Bind...loose... I reign in life through Jesus Christ. His perfect love casts out all fear in me. 1 John 4:18 His law is written in my heart. Day Two I meditate on God’s Word day and night. I am strong and courageous. I make my way prosperous. I have good success. God is with me wherever I go. I cannot be defeated and I will not quit. Defeat is not an option. My future is bright. My words edify others. No pity parties. His love never fails me. NEVER! Total man: I am undefeatable. I press on toward the goal, for the prize of the upward call in Christ Jesus. I am a citizen of Heaven. Act like it! Philippians 3:20 The Word of life—the Word of the Kingdom. I have overcome the world. 1 John 5:5 Faith is not fearful. Faith is not intimidated. Faith overcomes the world. I walk by faith. I possess my soul to walk in the Spirit. I can do nothing without Him. David inquired of the LORD. David ran toward his enemy. Wherever I go...the Kingdom goes. Use the keys! Everything must be done from the place of REST—NOT stress. Think like God—it’s already been accomplished. God has NOT given me the spirit of fear. Day Three God HAS given me power, love, and a sound (controlled) mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 A renewed mind is a transformed mind that produces fruit for the Kingdom of God. The law of the Spirit of life is in me. Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. Christ has redeemed me from the curse so that Abraham’s blessing would come upon me. I am a joint heir with Jesus Christ. I have rights and privileges. His Word is medicine to all my flesh. I believe it! I receive it. That settles it! There is a rest for the people of God who live by faith daily. Hebrews 4:9 I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I have His anointing. He sustains me everyday in victory! Tongue, heart, and mind must be united...disciplined. Philippians 4:4-8 I am strengthened with might in my inner man through His Spirit. I am set free from self-condemnation. I don’t judge or condemn others. I love people. No fear of man. It’s a snare. No fear of devils. Philippians 1:28 Do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. Hebrews 10:35 I have been cleansed of all unrighteousness. 2 Corinthians 5:21 The LORD your God goes before you. He will fight for you. Deuteronomy 1:30 Day Four He is faithful. He who called you will do it. 1 Thessalonians 5:24 He will make the crooked places straight...and cut the bars of iron. Isaiah 45:2 Speak Jeremiah 10:11. Love has been perfected in me that I may have boldness in the day of judgment... I am bold as a lion. Proverbs 28:1 Boldness: brave, courageous, valiant, unafraid, fearless, stalwart, dauntless, lionhearted, adventuresome, imaginative, creative “Say to God, ‘How awesome are your works! Through the greatness of your power your enemies shall submit themselves to you.” Psalm 66:3 “If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us.” There is no fear in love ... it is cast out. Fear: anxiety, worry, concern, apprehension. Inferiority brings one into a state of being unfruitful. What are words? They are thoughts. What are tongues? Speaking mysteries to God. Interpretation of tongues is knowledge from Heaven from His Spirit. NO weapon formed against my spirit, soul, body, finances, or social life will proper. I’m here to dominate through Jesus. Your word in me does the work! I’m in a place of rest. I am yoked to Jesus. Faith brings rest. Grace: God’s favor and empowerment ... through faith in Him. I am fertile ground. I’m a doer of God’s Word. Day Five Take every thought captive: Do you line up with the Word of God? Yes? You can stay. NO? Out you go!!! Use your God blessed imagination. I am free of anything negative. I sleep soundly. Prayer: There’s a fire in my bones and a two-edged sword coming out of my mouth. The devil beat Jesus and I was healed by His stripes... Isaiah 53:4-5 Provision was made for me before I was born. He has given His angels charge over me. “Bless the LORD, you His angels, mighty in strength, who perform His word, obeying the voice of His word!” Psalm 103:20 I keep the angels busy. Be speaking throughout the day. The Centurion said, “Only speak the word and my servant will be healed.” Matthew 8:8 “For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” Mark 11:23 Great expectation brings forth great results. Nothing comes to him who does not forgive. I am above only and not beneath. Deuteronomy 28:13 I am seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. I have been made alive, quickened, with Christ. I pray from my heavenly seat in Christ. Ephesians 2:6 I am in Him, He is in me. I run and not grow weary. I am strong in the LORD. I have His anointing. I have Abraham’s blessing. I am prosperous. Now thanks be to God who always leads me to triumph through faith in Jesus my LORD! Christ in me is the hope of glory. |
“And take ... the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer..." Ephesians 6:17-18 THE SWORD! When you believe in God’s Holy Word and you speak it over yourself in faith, that Word becomes quickened, made alive. It penetrates, even separating the soul and the spirit. (Hebrews 4:12) When Abram and Sarai were unable to have a child, God changed their names to Abraham and Sarah...Abraham meaning Father of Many Nations. What God spoke to Abraham brought faith which produced the desired end result: Isaac! Over the years I have developed these positive confessions which are based on scripture. The renewing of the mind to what God says is not a one time event but an on-going life long exercise that will produce much fruit. That pleases your loving Father. Not producing the results you desire? Feeling unproductive and fruitless? Study God’s Word; get it in your heart and in your mouth. Walk by faith and love and you will see results. Abram went from being barren to being fruitful by God changing his name. God has changed your name too, hasn’t He ... Christian? Know who you are ... from the Word of God! |