" ... if My people who are called by name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer ... " 2 Chronicles 7:14-15 Hungry for a now word from God? Click Below.
January 2025 Hopeful _________________ Prayers with Purpose The Lord has been reminding me to attach all my prayers to HIS PURPOSE, like, “Lord, renew my youth like the eagle so that I may continue to release the Kingdom of God to this earth.” We’re praying for you…attached to His tremendous love for you! January 20, 2025
It's miracle time!!! President Trump returns to Washington D.C. to finish his assignment for the United States! It's a miracle of God! Place post it notes around your house to remind you to pray for him and his administration to take our nation back from corruption! Prayers of protection must go before him! That's the job of the intercessors...and it's a big one! Recommended Prophecies: God of Revival 2025! "Open the Gates!" Song: The King of Glory Shall Come In" It's an oldie but a "now" prophetic word! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oweFIGvvWc Kenneth E. Hagin 1963 Prophecy about our Nation (scroll down a little) https://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=18947 Kenneth E. Hagin: Must Read! 1980 Prophecy: The End of the Age https://billyebrim.org/the-end-of-the-age-kenneth-e-hagin-1980/ |
Mark Your January 2025 Calendar
Intercessors for America
Reclaim God’s destiny for America!
Join the 21 Day Devotional to intercede for the reset of our government in alignment with God's Destiny for America. Sign up!
Andrew Wommack Ministries
Check out ministry updates:
Mary Colbert Prayer Call:
FLASHPOINT: Important Current News with the Prophetic This is news you won’t hear anywhere else!!!
Flashpoint is live three nights a week!
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday
7:00 PM CT
Andrew Wommack: Charis Live Bible Studies
Programs are live, but can be watched later. Very good! https://www.awmi.net/video/this-weeks-tv/
Billye Brim Ministries
Branson, MO
*Noon Prayer Call Every Wednesday
Truth and Liberty - Richard Harris
(Andrew Wommack Ministries)
Stay informed: Wednesday and Friday
6:00 PM MTN https://www.truthandliberty.net/?_gl=1*spblmi*_gcl_au*MTQ3ODY3NTI2MS4xNzI1MTMxNDg1
Barry Bennett
New! Anointed Bible Teacher from Andrew Wommack Ministries has daily Bible Study!
Dutch Sheets: Daily Teaching/Prayer
Give Him 15 (minutes) Sign up!
Victory Channel News Programs:
Victory News: Live!
Five days a week … two times daily.
Monday through Friday: 12:00 noon ET
Monday through Friday: 5:00 PM ET
They have a one month free offer.
Try it! https://www.spotify.com/us/premium
Song for you:
We Will Dance
In Case you Missed it...
(January 7, 2025 President Trump's Address to the U.N. in 2019 is still on You Tube for both speeches below- Very Good!)
*President Trump calls on the nations of the world to end religious persecution - 9.23.19 About 45 minutes.
*President Trump addresses U.N. General Assembly - FULL SPEECH -
37 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dq0GPD2-p_E
Anointed teachings below to build your faith!
"Hearing God's Voice"
Charles Stanley gives an excellent teaching for all Believers,
new and old! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llZpc8MlK8k
"The Courage to Stand by Your Convictions"
Charles Stanley gives us a teaching for living in the end days!
"The Resurrection of the Body"
Important teaching for those on earth in 2024
Derek Prince
Never remove yourself from your beginning:
This song will bring you back.
"The Mighty Cross"
This message from Charles Stanley is life changing!
"Your Convictions about the Crucifixion of Jesus"
*Charles Capps amazing faith teaching!
If you will hear and get this message into your heart and mind and mouth - it will
produce those things you want changed! It's the A, B, C's, of faith; a refresher course, even for old-timers of the faith!
Derek Prince: Atonement Part 6
Rejection or Acceptance?
Seven Steps to Revival: Part 2
Derek Prince: What it Means to Love God!
Mark Hankins: Spirit of Faith
What a faith-equipping message!
Derek Prince: "You Can Come Through Victorious"
This is an end days teaching you'll want to record!
Charles Stanley: Best Christmas Message!!!
Derek Prince: Good News of the Kingdom Part 7
Derek Prince: Spiritual Warfare-How to fight satan (about 12 minutes)
Charles Stanley: Discipline Determines Destiny
If only every child knew this growing up! (12/23)
Lance Wallnau:
Below are two vitally important teachings specifically for people with an assignment to intercede in these last days...(11/23)
"Jesus return as a lover or a warrior"
"Discover the Ancient Secrets of Melchizedek"
Derek Prince:
"Invisible Barriers to Healing"
Andrew Wommack Ministries
Charis Bible Study: Barry Bennett
What an excellent teaching this is, very anointed!
"Shaping Your Future"
Charles Stanley gave an anointed teaching on how to control our thoughts during these last days of turmoil. This is a must see/hear!
Derek Prince: Take Heed that You are Not Deceived!
Derek Prince: Prophetic Guide to the End Times
Lance Wallnau: Lance hit a home run in this message given to a Women's Aglow Meeting! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZH41pOn3Tw
Billye Brim: What I See in the Near Future
(KCM Ministers Conference.)
What's Going on with the Body of Christ?
Billye Brim! Australia meeting.
Lance Wallnau gives an amazingly, refreshing message...
Annette Capps: How to Pray the Prayer of Faith
Pastor George Pearsons gave an outstanding sobering message about our children this past Sunday. Must see!!!
How to Believe God!
Charles Capps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOlP1laftDk
Charis Bible College teacher answers interesting questions.
Very good! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbC6AR_gkg4
Tribute to Charles Stanley - Born 9.25.32 - Died 4.18.23
A Life Dedicated to Preaching the Gospel!
Lance Wallnau:
The Devil Doesn't Like This
Rapture or tribulation?
Charles Capps teaches on the events of the coming of the Lord.
Lance Wallnau: Is Jesus Returning as a Lover or a Warrior?
What an amazing end-time teaching!
Lance Wallnau wonderful teaching on Jesus Blood:
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ!
Charlie Kirk and Pastor Jack Hibbs recently held a meeting at Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills, California.
This is an anointed, powerful discussion on present day problems taking place in our nation. They also discuss California. There’s light at the end of the tunnel!!!
Asbury College Revival Meeting
Feeling down? Listen.
Asbury (Kentucky) Revival Meeting
2.13.23 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYhU8yIpgzE
February 2023-Lance Wallnau
Informative information about what's happening now.
Bill Winston 2.12.23 - Excellent teaching on faith!
Andrew Wommack Ministries
Summer Bible Conference
Learn about "The Biblical Worldview!"
Very informative for these last days.
Charles Stanley: The Greatness of God
Powerful message to charge up your battery!
Gospel Truth Conference: Lance Wallnau
Day 3-Morning Session. What a revelation!
Watch live or past Charis Bible Studies (Andrew Wommack)
These anointed ministers will boost your inner man with grace and faith!
How to Live a Strong Life: Charles Stanley
A message for our times!
Charles Stanley: Very Anointed Message
"Seeking the Lord" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PKoPAMozZo
Charles Stanley: Surviving Our Present Culture
A video about a Mom who stood up against her school board.
Watch! www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KuuyI1OWhk&t=1s
Lance Wallnau and his wife teach together.
Great and informative!
Andrew Wommack:
Four Essential Elements of Christian Maturity
Highly Recommended!
Need someone you know to be saved?
Send them this video on hell.
Pastor Charles Stanley
Need Healing?
Pastor Jim Baker from Ohio.
Charis Summer Bible Conference: 7.7.22 - Excellent Teaching!
Transformation God's Way!
Rick McFarland (Charis Bible Study)
Excellent Teaching! "The name of Jesus" Charis Bible Teacher: Barry Bennett
Constitution Alive!
David Barton and Rick Green teach about our governments foundation! Excellent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-a2hyvR-w6Q&t=3765s
More teachings: 13 Episodes
Best Healing Message: Develop Your Faith for Healing - Gloria Copeland
Got 15 minutes? Great teaching from Nancy Dufresne on how to overcome thoughts of worry in these last days! Awesome!
Cure for Doubt and Unbelief! Charles Capps
E.W. Kenyon - Identification https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dayRNI2CxZQ
You Are the Prophet of Your life! Bill Winston
*Is Genesis History? This is one of the most amazing documentaries I have seen. Excellent! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UM82qxxskZE&t=4266s
The Power of Positive Confession:
Audio reading of E.W. Kenyon Book without commercials.
Mark Your January 2025 Calendar
Intercessors for America
Reclaim God’s destiny for America!
Join the 21 Day Devotional to intercede for the reset of our government in alignment with God's Destiny for America. Sign up!
Andrew Wommack Ministries
Check out ministry updates:
Mary Colbert Prayer Call:
FLASHPOINT: Important Current News with the Prophetic This is news you won’t hear anywhere else!!!
Flashpoint is live three nights a week!
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday
7:00 PM CT
Andrew Wommack: Charis Live Bible Studies
Programs are live, but can be watched later. Very good! https://www.awmi.net/video/this-weeks-tv/
Billye Brim Ministries
Branson, MO
*Noon Prayer Call Every Wednesday
Truth and Liberty - Richard Harris
(Andrew Wommack Ministries)
Stay informed: Wednesday and Friday
6:00 PM MTN https://www.truthandliberty.net/?_gl=1*spblmi*_gcl_au*MTQ3ODY3NTI2MS4xNzI1MTMxNDg1
Barry Bennett
New! Anointed Bible Teacher from Andrew Wommack Ministries has daily Bible Study!
Dutch Sheets: Daily Teaching/Prayer
Give Him 15 (minutes) Sign up!
Victory Channel News Programs:
Victory News: Live!
Five days a week … two times daily.
Monday through Friday: 12:00 noon ET
Monday through Friday: 5:00 PM ET
They have a one month free offer.
Try it! https://www.spotify.com/us/premium
Song for you:
We Will Dance
In Case you Missed it...
(January 7, 2025 President Trump's Address to the U.N. in 2019 is still on You Tube for both speeches below- Very Good!)
*President Trump calls on the nations of the world to end religious persecution - 9.23.19 About 45 minutes.
*President Trump addresses U.N. General Assembly - FULL SPEECH -
37 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dq0GPD2-p_E
Anointed teachings below to build your faith!
"Hearing God's Voice"
Charles Stanley gives an excellent teaching for all Believers,
new and old! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llZpc8MlK8k
"The Courage to Stand by Your Convictions"
Charles Stanley gives us a teaching for living in the end days!
"The Resurrection of the Body"
Important teaching for those on earth in 2024
Derek Prince
Never remove yourself from your beginning:
This song will bring you back.
"The Mighty Cross"
This message from Charles Stanley is life changing!
"Your Convictions about the Crucifixion of Jesus"
*Charles Capps amazing faith teaching!
If you will hear and get this message into your heart and mind and mouth - it will
produce those things you want changed! It's the A, B, C's, of faith; a refresher course, even for old-timers of the faith!
Derek Prince: Atonement Part 6
Rejection or Acceptance?
Seven Steps to Revival: Part 2
Derek Prince: What it Means to Love God!
Mark Hankins: Spirit of Faith
What a faith-equipping message!
Derek Prince: "You Can Come Through Victorious"
This is an end days teaching you'll want to record!
Charles Stanley: Best Christmas Message!!!
Derek Prince: Good News of the Kingdom Part 7
Derek Prince: Spiritual Warfare-How to fight satan (about 12 minutes)
Charles Stanley: Discipline Determines Destiny
If only every child knew this growing up! (12/23)
Lance Wallnau:
Below are two vitally important teachings specifically for people with an assignment to intercede in these last days...(11/23)
"Jesus return as a lover or a warrior"
"Discover the Ancient Secrets of Melchizedek"
Derek Prince:
"Invisible Barriers to Healing"
Andrew Wommack Ministries
Charis Bible Study: Barry Bennett
What an excellent teaching this is, very anointed!
"Shaping Your Future"
Charles Stanley gave an anointed teaching on how to control our thoughts during these last days of turmoil. This is a must see/hear!
Derek Prince: Take Heed that You are Not Deceived!
Derek Prince: Prophetic Guide to the End Times
Lance Wallnau: Lance hit a home run in this message given to a Women's Aglow Meeting! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZH41pOn3Tw
Billye Brim: What I See in the Near Future
(KCM Ministers Conference.)
What's Going on with the Body of Christ?
Billye Brim! Australia meeting.
Lance Wallnau gives an amazingly, refreshing message...
Annette Capps: How to Pray the Prayer of Faith
Pastor George Pearsons gave an outstanding sobering message about our children this past Sunday. Must see!!!
How to Believe God!
Charles Capps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOlP1laftDk
Charis Bible College teacher answers interesting questions.
Very good! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbC6AR_gkg4
Tribute to Charles Stanley - Born 9.25.32 - Died 4.18.23
A Life Dedicated to Preaching the Gospel!
Lance Wallnau:
The Devil Doesn't Like This
Rapture or tribulation?
Charles Capps teaches on the events of the coming of the Lord.
Lance Wallnau: Is Jesus Returning as a Lover or a Warrior?
What an amazing end-time teaching!
Lance Wallnau wonderful teaching on Jesus Blood:
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ!
Charlie Kirk and Pastor Jack Hibbs recently held a meeting at Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills, California.
This is an anointed, powerful discussion on present day problems taking place in our nation. They also discuss California. There’s light at the end of the tunnel!!!
Asbury College Revival Meeting
Feeling down? Listen.
Asbury (Kentucky) Revival Meeting
2.13.23 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYhU8yIpgzE
February 2023-Lance Wallnau
Informative information about what's happening now.
Bill Winston 2.12.23 - Excellent teaching on faith!
Andrew Wommack Ministries
Summer Bible Conference
Learn about "The Biblical Worldview!"
Very informative for these last days.
Charles Stanley: The Greatness of God
Powerful message to charge up your battery!
Gospel Truth Conference: Lance Wallnau
Day 3-Morning Session. What a revelation!
Watch live or past Charis Bible Studies (Andrew Wommack)
These anointed ministers will boost your inner man with grace and faith!
How to Live a Strong Life: Charles Stanley
A message for our times!
Charles Stanley: Very Anointed Message
"Seeking the Lord" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PKoPAMozZo
Charles Stanley: Surviving Our Present Culture
A video about a Mom who stood up against her school board.
Watch! www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KuuyI1OWhk&t=1s
Lance Wallnau and his wife teach together.
Great and informative!
Andrew Wommack:
Four Essential Elements of Christian Maturity
Highly Recommended!
Need someone you know to be saved?
Send them this video on hell.
Pastor Charles Stanley
Need Healing?
Pastor Jim Baker from Ohio.
Charis Summer Bible Conference: 7.7.22 - Excellent Teaching!
Transformation God's Way!
Rick McFarland (Charis Bible Study)
Excellent Teaching! "The name of Jesus" Charis Bible Teacher: Barry Bennett
Constitution Alive!
David Barton and Rick Green teach about our governments foundation! Excellent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-a2hyvR-w6Q&t=3765s
More teachings: 13 Episodes
Best Healing Message: Develop Your Faith for Healing - Gloria Copeland
Got 15 minutes? Great teaching from Nancy Dufresne on how to overcome thoughts of worry in these last days! Awesome!
Cure for Doubt and Unbelief! Charles Capps
E.W. Kenyon - Identification https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dayRNI2CxZQ
You Are the Prophet of Your life! Bill Winston
*Is Genesis History? This is one of the most amazing documentaries I have seen. Excellent! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UM82qxxskZE&t=4266s
The Power of Positive Confession:
Audio reading of E.W. Kenyon Book without commercials.
What did President Trump accomplish since taking office in 2016?
Must See!
President Trump declares "the most famous person on earth is Jesus Christ!"
December 2020
President Gives Wonderful Christmas Message about Jesus' Birth!
January 20, 2021
President Trump says good-bye and wishes the new administration well.
What to do now? Scripture says to pray for all those in authority.
"Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all ..."
January 20, 2025 It's miracle time!!!
President Trump returns to Washington D.C. to finish his assignment for the United States! It's a miracle of God!
Place post it notes around your house to remind you to pray for him and his administration to take our nation back from corruption! Prayer must go before him continually!
Best Healing Message: Gloria Copeland
The Welsh Revival: Very good documentary.
Dancing at 96? Yes! Watch this...
Jerry Savelle: The Fourth Man
Powerful Teaching!
If satan Can't Steal Your Joy he Can't Have Your Goods!
Anointed fun message from Jerry Savelle from the 1990's.
Insight into The Christmas Story- Lance Wallnau. Really interesting!
Remembering Past History in the Making
President Trump: State of the Union Address
9.22.20 President Trump
Address to the United Nations
9.15.20 President Trump
Abraham Accords Signing Ceremony
President signs Mid-East accord!!
Republican National Convention - Night One
Amazing speech!
In Case you Missed it...
( January 7, 2025 - President Trump Address to the U.N. is still on You Tube for both speeches below- Very Good)
President Trump calls on the nations of the world to end religious persecution - 9.23.19 About 45 minutes.
President Trump addresses U.N. General Assembly - FULL SPEECH -
37 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dq0GPD2-p_E
More Favorites!
*From KCM
"7 Ways to Stand for Rebellious Children"
*Excellent Teaching on the Believer's Authority From Rick Renner
(Put your curser at 2 hours 10 minutes for this anointed message.) Don't miss this!
Your Divine Life - Planting the Heavens - 28 minutes
Bill Winston
This is an amazing teaching you will want to watch over and over again!
President Trump "Never Give Up!"
Very encouraging word. 6 minutes.
The Vision
While praying on October 20, 2016, I had a vision.
I knew it had to do with the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States.
I shared this on the The Library -Tuesday Bible Study - 11.1.16...
a week before the election. I have copied it here to encourage you.
"I saw an outline map of the U.S. - as a gigantic land and spiritual mass, being slowly lifted up from the earth. The wicked were angry and extending their arms - trying to grab hold of her - to possess her, to stop her ascent into the air. They could not touch her; they could not grab hold to keep her. They could not stop her ascent when she began to rise. God and His might was lifting her up-higher and higher, and then higher and higher-completely out of their reach!!!
The wicked watched and went into extreme anger and torment as the U.S. went out of their reach. They watched in awe, looking up as the U.S. arose from their grasp, under the power of God. The U.S. will prosper and break out in revival from the west to the east like a flood that NO one can prevent or stop.
October 31, 2016
I saw the nation again, rising up under the power of God. This time I noticed that directly underneath the land mass, there was an enormous multitude of praying people with their arms extended upward, lifting the United States up as God was working through them."
Saints, continue to pray for our nation. Don't be moved. The best is yet to come! GOD IS WITH US!
(From Intercessors for America) https://www.ifapray.org/
Using the Principles of the Preamble
We the people of the United States,
Thank God for our freedoms and responsibilities as citizens of the United States.
Pray for an educated and engaged citizenry, seeking God’s will for this nation.
Pray: 2 Chr. 7:14; Ps. 33:12; Is. 33:22.
in order to form a more perfect Union,
Thank God for creating us as one people and nation from peoples of every tribe and tongue, and for our Constitutional Republic based on the only true authority.
Pray for our leaders to govern with wisdom.
Pray: Rev. 7:9; Rom. 13:1; Acts 17:26-27, 2 Chr. 1:10.
establish Justice,
Thank God that we enjoy one of the most just systems of government in the world.
Pray for the Supreme Court and for federal and state courts.
Pray: Ps. 99:4; 2 Chr. 19:7; Pr 21:15; Deut.16:19.
ensure domestic Tranquility,
Thank God for all the blessings and privileges American citizens possess.
Pray for peace in our nation.
Pray: 1 Tim. 2:2; Heb.12:14; Lev. 26:6.
provide for the common defense,
Thank God for our military.
Pray for the defense of our nation, for our military leaders, and for the strengthening of military families.
Pray: Deut. 20:4; Deut. 28:7; 2 Sam. 22: 40-41; Ps. 35:1.
promote the general Welfare,
Thank God for a government that promotes the good of all, not esteeming some better than others, but seeking the blessing of righteousness for all.
Pray for wisdom for our leaders as they establish governmental policy and that they would not use unjust weights.
Pray: Pr.11:1, 20:23; Pr.14:34; Mt. 6:25-34; Acts 20:35.
and secure the Blessings of Liberty
Thank God for our liberty to pursue true happiness by aligning with the laws of nature and nature’s God.
Pray for the preservation and restoration of the unalienable rights recognized by our Declaration and protected by our Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
Pray: Mt. 5:14; Gal. 5:1; John 8:36.
to ourselves
Thank God for working in our lives, for redeeming and restoring us to Him.
Pray for our nation to return to God.
Pray: Mt. 5:16; 1 Kings 8:57; Ps.112; Ps. 85:6; Jer.18:9-10.
and our Posterity
Thank God for the blessing of children, both born and unborn.
Pray for the protection and preservation of our children. May they seek God and be equipped as adults to lead this nation.
Pray: Ps.127:3; Luke 1:50; Ps. 22:30; Ps.112:2.
do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Thank God for His providence in establishing our nation and our government.
Pray that we will once again find the peace that comes from seeking Him.
Pray: Is. 26:3; Phil. 4:7.
Using the Principles of the Preamble
We the people of the United States,
Thank God for our freedoms and responsibilities as citizens of the United States.
Pray for an educated and engaged citizenry, seeking God’s will for this nation.
Pray: 2 Chr. 7:14; Ps. 33:12; Is. 33:22.
in order to form a more perfect Union,
Thank God for creating us as one people and nation from peoples of every tribe and tongue, and for our Constitutional Republic based on the only true authority.
Pray for our leaders to govern with wisdom.
Pray: Rev. 7:9; Rom. 13:1; Acts 17:26-27, 2 Chr. 1:10.
establish Justice,
Thank God that we enjoy one of the most just systems of government in the world.
Pray for the Supreme Court and for federal and state courts.
Pray: Ps. 99:4; 2 Chr. 19:7; Pr 21:15; Deut.16:19.
ensure domestic Tranquility,
Thank God for all the blessings and privileges American citizens possess.
Pray for peace in our nation.
Pray: 1 Tim. 2:2; Heb.12:14; Lev. 26:6.
provide for the common defense,
Thank God for our military.
Pray for the defense of our nation, for our military leaders, and for the strengthening of military families.
Pray: Deut. 20:4; Deut. 28:7; 2 Sam. 22: 40-41; Ps. 35:1.
promote the general Welfare,
Thank God for a government that promotes the good of all, not esteeming some better than others, but seeking the blessing of righteousness for all.
Pray for wisdom for our leaders as they establish governmental policy and that they would not use unjust weights.
Pray: Pr.11:1, 20:23; Pr.14:34; Mt. 6:25-34; Acts 20:35.
and secure the Blessings of Liberty
Thank God for our liberty to pursue true happiness by aligning with the laws of nature and nature’s God.
Pray for the preservation and restoration of the unalienable rights recognized by our Declaration and protected by our Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
Pray: Mt. 5:14; Gal. 5:1; John 8:36.
to ourselves
Thank God for working in our lives, for redeeming and restoring us to Him.
Pray for our nation to return to God.
Pray: Mt. 5:16; 1 Kings 8:57; Ps.112; Ps. 85:6; Jer.18:9-10.
and our Posterity
Thank God for the blessing of children, both born and unborn.
Pray for the protection and preservation of our children. May they seek God and be equipped as adults to lead this nation.
Pray: Ps.127:3; Luke 1:50; Ps. 22:30; Ps.112:2.
do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Thank God for His providence in establishing our nation and our government.
Pray that we will once again find the peace that comes from seeking Him.
Pray: Is. 26:3; Phil. 4:7.
Need encouragement about our nation?
Rather than criticizing and complaining, speak words of praise for what God is doing. Pray in tongues! Renovation, even for a home, is not always pleasant, but focusing on the outcome brings strength and joy. ONE NATION UNDER GOD
In the Book of Acts, the Church experienced miraculous breakthroughs as a result of prayer. As The Church is stepping up prayer across our nation, we will not only see our God save America, but we will also see the Great Outpouring of His Spirit across the land. Prayer always lays track for revival! Always! Faith requires the study of God's Word. No Word ... No faith! No faith? No VICTORY! PRAY! Be sure to study the Tuesday Bible Lessons ... now called The Library http://www.prayerwithpurpose.org/tuesday-bible-study |