Faith Class 101: Class 10
After everyone was seated the Professor said today we will study about an important subject that affects your life: The will of God for you!
There are basically four “wills” that are operating in the earth realm that you need to be aware of.
1. The deceptive will of the devil and his schemes.
2. The reasoning will of the flesh that is contrary to spiritual things. (Romans 8:4-8)
3. The will of man.
4. The divine will of God.
“Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit...."
(Ephesians 5:17-18)
This is not a once in a life-time event. We could say, “be...being filled” with the Holy Spirit throughout your life on earth.
Because you leak! Just like the gas tank in your car is continually using up fuel and needs to be replenished, you also need daily refueling. You know this but doing it is another story! Spending time with Father in the Holy Scriptures, in prayer, and in praying in the Spirit are necessary to living in God’s will, especially during these ending perilous times just before the return of Jesus in the air.
The re-created spirit of man is God’s home.
You were made in God’s image, according to His likeness. (Genesis 1:26)
The real revelation of who you are is this: you are a speaking spirit!
(In Genesis 2:7 the word for breath is the same word for spirit.)
You have creative ability in your mouth. “... (God) Who gives life to the dead and speaks of the nonexistent things that [He has foretold and promised] as if they [already] existed.”
(Romans 4:17 AMPC)
Notice God calls things that do not exist as though they were seen already. Abraham, and all who knew him, were also calling this old man with no children, “father of many nations.” Words change things for good or for bad. (See Matthew 12:31-37)
Jesus gave us the authority to speak to those things we want removed. If we believe we receive when we pray, it will come to pass for us. (Mark 11:22-26)
God gave us authority in the earth. “...have dominion...subdue...” (Genesis 1:26-28)
In order to stay in the will of God you must learn the discipline of staying thankful no matter what is happening in the world. Make a habit of saying throughout your day... "Thank you LORD for this...” or “Thank you LORD for answering that prayer....”
A grateful heart needs to express itself to its Creator!
Gratitude will change a grumpy attitude!
A grateful heart is a submissive heart.
The spiritual attributes, thankfulness and submission, are to be developed. They can remold your character. Submission begins with humility, knowing that all that we are in Christ and all we can do to establish God’s Kingdom come from we are willing to be transformed into His image...from glory to glory. (2 Corinthians 3:18)
These things are important because they support your faith. And that pleases God.
The overcoming faith-filled life is a life submitted to God.
In fact, without submission to Him you can’t resist the devil!
“But He gives more grace. Therefore He says:
‘God resists the proud,
But gives grace to the humble.’
Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:6-7)
This is that...which was a problem for the disciples.
“And wherever it (the devil) seizes him, it throws him down; he foams at the mouth, gnashes his teeth, and becomes rigid. So I spoke to Your disciples, that they should cast it out, but they could not.” (Mark 9:18)
Powerful teaching from Kenneth E. Hagin:
Audio teaching..."Holy Spirit"