Faith Class 101: Class 11
The Helper — Commissioned to Help You in All of Life
He is authorized to be your Companion and remain with you forever!
He is your personal Advocate, Champion, Defender, Supporter, Promoter and Stand-by. He will always lead you in how to triumph! He has His part. You have your part also.
Jesus said it was to our advantage that He go away.
He would send another who would be within us forever.
When you are engaged in conflict with the enemy, always remember to go inward and follow the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit, for He is the power source.
The Helper is also the One who strengthens us. He is the one we rely on to:
- Stand against the wiles of the devil.
- Having done all…to stand.
- And to continue to stand.
The Helmet of Salvation: Take it! (Ephesians 6:17)
How do I take it? Act on your salvation rights! Speak, confess the scriptures. Fight the good fight; cast out demons. You’re a citizen of Heaven and commissioned with authority to use the name of Jesus!
Helmet: encirclement of the head, defensive covering for the head, deliverance for those who are engaged in spiritual conflict
Salvation: to save, rescue, welfare, prosperity, deliverance, preservation, safety
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.” (2 Corinthians 10:3-6)
It takes strength to renew your mind to God’s Word because it takes daily discipline and diligence to study on a continual basis. If a Believer’s thought life has not been in the habit of being controlled, or kept in check, this exercise of taking every thought captive can be like a cowboy trying to round up a herd of wild mustangs.
Popular clubs in Hollywood employ a guard or a bouncer, someone who is a big, strong, brawny-type man to stand at the door. It’s his job to only allow those who are invited or have paid to go inside.
The bouncer controls who comes in. Not everyone is free to come through the door.
Likewise, we cannot be fully effective in our position of ruling and reigning in Christ Jesus if we allow every thought to come in and play around in our mind.
You have the mind of Christ, and your thought life must follow His high standards.
What you watch, what you listen to, and what you meditate on must go through the Mighty Bouncer, the Living Word!
Does this thought line up with scripture? No? Then, “Get out! Stay out!”
Lies, Deception, Fear, and Threats
The god of this age has blinded the minds of those who do not believe, but he has no right to blind the mind of a Christian!
Yet, he is an outlaw and a deceiver and a persistent foe.
He has no right but a thief never follows the rules.
He does however bow to the name of Jesus and the use of all our weapons.
Keep your helmet of salvation on and release the mighty sword of the Spirit, which is the all-powerful Word of God coming out of your mouth.
The Holy Spirit is our mighty, ever-present companion that will always lead us to triumph over the schemes of the devil.
Remember who you are, and what you have been given.
That’s what Jesus did when satan questioned Him. “If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.” (Matthew 4:3)
This is that...which Jesus used against His enemy.
“But He answered and said, ‘It is written, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”’”
You can’t use the Word as a sword if you don’t know the scriptures.
And if your mind is not renewed continually, they will fade away!
Gloria Copeland: 13 minute video on faith!