There’s more of Me to know.
There’s more of you to know.
There’s no end to My Kingdom.
You were called before the foundation of the world.
You are My handiwork.
The creation is My handiwork.
The creation is calling for the sons to help. Speak the blessing to it.
Prayer releases the ability of God.
When you pray expect an answer.
The Bible is your mirror. See what you look like there, and not the world.
You were designed for greatness.
You are not your own. You were bought with a price.
There’s power in you.
Do not love this passing world.
Love the Father.
You are His workmanship.
You have received an anointing. It teaches you all things.
Live in faith, hope, and love.
Pay little attention to the “screaming” headlines.
There are many untruths spoken. Stay in the Word.
Live in truth.
You have a goal. We have a goal.
Everything is in Christ.
Follow your Leader.
Your life is hid in Christ.
You are a sojourner.
Please the Father. Walk by faith.
You haven’t seen anything yet.
The end is better than the beginning.
It’s already planned.
You’re standing on solid ground.
You are doing far more than you know.
You have abilities that are yet unseen.
The Kingdom is far, far greater than this world.
You are on the increase. Your favor is increasing.
You have blessed Me.
Do not be dismayed. Your best days are now.
Life is made of individual days. Enjoy life. Look at the birds.
My peace I give to you. My Kingdom I give to you.
My peace is My rest.
Be encouraged. Encourage the brethren.
Take no fear saying …
It’s all about faith.
Stay with what you know.
Your identity is in Christ Jesus, not the world.
Your everything is in Him.
Love is the key to fulfillment.
Faith is the substance. God does nothing without faith.
God communicates His faith by words.
His Word is His bond.
I give you the keys of My Kingdom.
It all adds up to: God loves you! And if God be for you who can be against you?
Romans 8:31