The Vault
We have a lock box at our bank.
Because we want to keep important documents and items safe. No thief can get in there and steal them. Although we have our belongings there, we cannot get to them with only our key. Neither can the bank get to them without our key. Two keys are required to open our safety deposit box. Not only that, but a bank manager must be called who has the key that opens the entire vault where others have also stored their items for safe-keeping.
Building His Church
“And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
(Matthew 16:18-19)
Two Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven:
Anointed words from the Holy Spirit that empower your words as you release them.
Enemies to Building His Church
Those keys (words) will not open or close anything:
1. If a believer hates his political enemies or has unforgiveness toward another
2. If a believer is carrying “the cares of this world”
Both are faith blockers in the Kingdom of God. That means intercession is void of power. And that is exactly what the enemy wants!
The Vault
The new creation man has a key.
Holy Spirit dwelling in new creation man has a key.
The Master Key
Father, the Creator of all life, has the master key to everything for all time.
Why Keys?
Because of God’s enemy: the thief. The Kingdom of God suffers violence, but the violent take the kingdom by force. That force is in your spirit where Holy Spirit lives 24/7.
Keys open.
Keys lock up.
Words are keys.
1. Faith-filled words heal the sick, open blind eyes, raise the dead. The end-day’s revival starts with intercession. When that prayer-power is released to cast out devils through words, it changes the atmosphere over our cities which help the lost seek Jesus! Pray for the lost something like this: “I bind and cast out devils of lawlessness; lying anti-Christ spirits and party spirits come off of them! Holy Spirit come upon the lost; cause them to seek Jesus. Be firm. Tongues will break through barriers.
2. Anointed tongues are the spiritual force from which angelic armies of God receive orders. The enemy of God cannot decipher tongues. This power is explosive and multiplies where several Believers operate as one voice! These keys are binding and loosing, releasing God’s Kingdom into the air! Praise God, things are changing as hardened hearts soften to hear the Gospel.
3. Tongues will be like a flat balloon without the spiritual force that comes from personal study and fellowship with the Father. Hearing faith-teaching continually will keep your inner battery charged up 24/7.
The Vault: What is it?
It is the Kingdom of God within you!
You’re loaded with treasures of power!!!