The Landowner
Years ago there was a very wealthy landowner who took an extended trip leaving his property in the hands of a group of people he trusted. After giving them detailed instructions of how they were to care for his estate, he also gave them a book of detailed instructions. Then he gave each of them the keys to his property.
After many, many days, the wealthy landowner returned to his property and was shocked to see his once beautiful green lawns had turned brown and overgrown with weeds. All the trees and evergreens were overgrown, some with broken limbs hanging down, some even dying since they were rarely watered by the people he had trusted. Indoors, the owner’s mansion also needed much attention. This once well-known, extraordinary estate and grounds had become an eyesore!
The only explanation the estate keeper gave to the landowner was that those hired were busy with other commitments. A rumor had started that the owner was not going to return and those hired began leaving to join new friends who were going to town to party and drink. It seemed to be more fun…
The Years: 2020-2023
These are difficult years for the United States and also the rest of the world. Those who have let go of daily fellowship with the Lord and His Word have been swayed by the enticement and pull of the world. One day at a time, their desires sought other things. “… the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.” (1 John 5:19)
Other translations say: “the world lies under the power of the evil one.”
The Authority and Power of Intercession
You cannot get into the higher realms of intercession without God’s gift of “tongues.” It is a supernatural leap out of the natural, out of this world’s realm of wickedness which has turned our cities into rampant debauchery!
The world has gone through this before. Jesus said we would see a return of sin just as it was before God destroyed earth with a flood. (Genesis Chapter 6) Interesting that Jesus said that generation was totally unaware of God and of His coming judgment! (See Matthew 24:37-39)
I would recommend to you, my dear friends, to read Matthew Chapter 24 often. It will keep you in God’s lane while others are traveling at great speeds into lawlessness. Our cities are in a mess. After traveling this year, I have found every large city to be in trouble. Did you know that Branson voted to make marijuana legal last November?
How important are the prayers of intercession?
Well, if satan can sneak in and get you too busy for prayer, realize this: no one else can fill your assignment!
In your spirit is a divine order to be released through the secret codes of tongues.
Each of us has a responsibility for bringing in the harvest. Each of us, like the story of the wealthy man who hired and depended upon his crew to care for his estate, must be diligent every day to be watching…over ourselves, guarding our heart from worldliness and diversions of busyness. Holy Spirit will send alerts of what not to participate in. He will draw you to Jesus every day, but continual disobedience will make you deaf spiritually.
Watch out for slippage here because one day can turn into a week and so on. The closer we get to Jesus’ return, that pull of worldliness will get stronger, just like being caught in an ocean Rip Current that can take a swimmer slowly out to sea without him even knowing it!
Saints, spending time with Holy Spirit in intercession has NEVER been more important! We are taking care of God’s estate: Earth! Cleaning out the weeds, keeping bushes and trees trimmed, cleaning up the leaves, etc. are examples of what we do in the heavenlies over our cities, states, and nation.
What happens here affects everything!
Just because you are alone in your prayer closet, don’t for a moment see yourself alone! Millions of Spirit-filled believers are individually working with Holy Spirit…together. He may have millions of us hitting the same targets at the same time. Just think about that!
Our weapons are not carnal but mighty for the pulling down of strongholds!
Our weapons are being released from our spirit-man where Almighty God dwells. The Kingdom of God is within you! (Luke 17:21)
Only supernatural weapons will destroy demonic strongholds over our cities.
Remember, earth is God’s estate and we are His caretakers! Don’t you want to hear Him say: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord.’ (Matthew 25:23)