April 2023
Nearly every time I look at the clock I’m surprised. I often say, “Wow, it’s later than I thought it was.”
It seems as though time has been speeded up. This alone can cause pressure, not being able to get everything done that we used to do in a day. Someone said that’s just because you’re getting older, but I don’t think so. I think the whole planet is getting ready for a change. Jesus mentioned this when speaking of the end of the last days. “And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.” (Matthew 24:22)
When the calendar turned to January 2020, to me it was like everything normal was removed as things went wild. The pandemic hit every nation on earth hard, which brought some nation’s economies to a screeching halt. Our nation used the pandemic as an excuse to shut down the church. Then some democrat-run states continued to exercise control, even saying that singing in church was not allowed. At the same time, other kinds of facilities were open to the public. This year, things continue to go wild as school boards say they have the right to inform and influence children in choosing the gender they want to be. Teachers say parents cannot influence their students in what decision they decide to make.
We could go on and on about the rise of debauchery being promoted to kids in public schools while parents know nothing of what their kids are being taught. The end-days church has been given a mandate to stand up and fight the good fight of faith. All these things, and so much more, reveal the time of Jesus’ return may be sooner than we think.
“But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.” (1 Thessalonians 5:1-2)
“And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:12-14)
This “good news” of the Kingdom of God must be preached throughout the world with signs following. After Jesus went preaching and teaching, God’s Kingdom was revealed by demonstrations of healings, signs and wonders, like multiplying two fish and five loaves of bread which fed five thousand men.
(Matthew 14:13:21)
The Importance of Prayer
“Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.” (Luke 6:12) Jesus spent this night praying and the following day He went out to choose the twelve disciples. Jesus prayed often. He was always with His Father.
The Importance of Intercession, Tongues, and Authority
Intercession is your voice releasing what you have inside of you. This is how Holy Spirit joined to your spirit can move mountains. Getting up into the higher realms of the Spirit will reveal those places of demonic strongholds that need to be blasted with power, demolished, and cast out. I almost want to compare this to getting on a roller coaster. You get in your seat, begin to pray in tongues and the car starts to move. As you get going, excitement builds and you hear yourself change with an increase of power and authority as words binding the enemy come forth. Now you’re moving with greater speed as the anointing is charging your batteries and power words are blasting devils out! Tongues, those heavenly fire bullets are flying out of your mouth as you’re hitting different demonic fortresses! Words of dominion, back and forth between English and tongues are sent out like military rockets that bring disarray to separate then bind evil beings to get cast out and locked up! You are being led along by the Holy Spirit within you. What a ride!
Intercession has a magnificent purpose for God’s vessel who lives in two realms of earth. Although you are born of a woman, you also are born again of God’s Spirit. You carry the One who made the earth…inside you.
Remember: Matthew 16:18-19 is your Sheriff's badge!
In the beginning, God’s Spirit didn’t do anything until Father spoke. Your Father wants you to be like Him! Father has given you full authority in two realms of influence…the earthly realm and the spirit realm. You go into the spirit-realm to release the Kingdom of Almighty God on earth!
This is God’s will and this is God’s purpose! As no one on earth has your thumb print, no one else on earth has your voice print or your location or your calling to fulfill. If you are not engaged in intercessory prayers often (daily is good), you leave a vacancy that demons desire to fill with debauchery.
Jesus said of our day that it would be like Noah’s time.
“Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.” (Genesis 6:5-6)
The Lord knows very well how we grieve over our nation and what is happening in our cities. We want to go home! But we have a purpose that is exceedingly important now: Bring in the lost! Part of bringing in the lost is first cleansing the heavens over our cities so that the lost on earth can hear and understand what Jesus did for them and get born again. All the churches and all the ministries have a mandate on them of extreme importance. As time moves ahead, the earth begins to have pressure like a woman beginning to have painful labor pains. Intercessory prayer can relieve that pressure. Put God’s Word first place in your life, pray much in tongues, guard what you hear, cast all cares onto the Lord and remember who you are in Christ. Keep looking up and fight the good fight of faith!
And now, once again, I looked at my clock.
“Wow, it’s later than I thought.”
Highly Recommended for You:
Lance Wallnau:
*The Secrets of the Levites:
*God is Calling You to Battle at the Gates” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpyVMnv8LaE
Charles Capps:
*Tribulation or Rapture?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sQfQBOQqnY
*Prophetic Profile Revealed by the Solomon Concept
*Solomon Concept: Tribulation or Rapture