" ... the kingdom of God
is not eating and drinking,
but righteousness and peace
and joy in the Holy Spirit."
Romans 14:16-17
Let’s zoom out for an overview of these lessons to see what the Spirit is saying to His Church.
10-21-14 How can we overcome in perilous times? Pray and walk by faith.
What is faith; how it works; examples from overcomers; faith’s need for hope; enemies to faith, and God’s provision of His armor, the mighty shield of faith that can quench all the strategies of darkness.
10-28-14 We the people of God, The Church, a holy nation, called out and given a ministry. God’s time clock; warnings of worldliness infecting The Church; staying ready for His return; signs in the heavens and the coming tribulation; hatred and bitterness toward government leaders produce unanswered prayer. We provided links to on-line ministries that are teaching about the Blood Moons and End Days prophetic events taking place around us.
11-4-14 The message of the cross is the power of God.
The gift; defining redemption; not being ashamed of sharing the gospel; what is the curse; Christ’s deliverance and freedom from yokes; warning of listening to wrong teachers which brings bondage; the importance of knowing the scriptures and the voice of the Holy Spirit; set times on God’s calendar and the present Day of Redemption.
11-11-14 The one commandment given to The Church: Believe in the name of Jesus Christ and love one another. Examples of faith in the name; how offense brings unbelief; the Great Commission; our authority and power through the Holy Spirit; the anointing and doing the greater works; thieves of faith; walking in love to manifest His works.
For two thousand years our Father in Heaven has been hearing the prayers of His Saints asking for His Kingdom to come to earth. Imagine that! And scripture says those prayers are saved as “golden bowls of incense which are the prayers of the saints.” Revelation 5:8
What does earth look like when God’s will is being done, just like it is in Heaven?
Well, we can see it in manifestation throughout the gospels as Jesus went about preaching, teaching and healing … that's God’s good news!
“The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me,
Because He has anointed Me
To preach the gospel to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those who are oppressed;
To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD.” Luke 4:18-19
Jesus was, and still is, anointed and appointed to set men free from the curse.
It’s why He became sin for us on the cross. Galatians 3:13-14
Jesus has anointed and appointed The Church to work through His Spirit to be His present day ministry in the earth.
God has given man the right to choose:
- His good ways and be born again,
- or darkness, bondage and eternal damnation.
Jesus said, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14
“And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’
- Heal the sick,
- cleanse the lepers,
- raise the dead,
- cast out demons.
It’s Temporary
Cancer centers are being built all over; hospitals are expanding; and multitudes are on prescription drugs. You and I know it. But that which is seen is temporary and about to change!
2014: The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand
Imagine this:
This gospel of the Kingdom is being preached in every church with signs following:
- Healing the sick
- Casting out demons
- Raising the dead
What other effects might we see take up residence in our cities?
Imagine this:
Empty cancer centers—empty hospitals—drug companies bankrupt. The American Cancer Society closes its doors. Why?
Preaching the gospel, healing the sick, just like Jesus did - from one town to the next; from one city to the next; county to county, state to state, nation to nation!
Imagine this:
Every anointed church packed with people, some standing up in the back … parking lots packed full of cars; traffic jams/police directing traffic to the churches; freeways and off ramps congested as the multitudes come in.
Imagine this:
Every church owns its own land and building, has services every night, prayer meetings every morning. Many members have bible studies in their homes and zoning and city ordinances don’t prevent them. Multitudes are changed—born again, full of God’s Spirit—united in purpose: preaching, teaching, healing and casting out devils.
Imagine this:
A Spirit-filled President, Congress, Senate, Judges, Governors. The Judges begin court with prayer and all have a plaque of the Ten Commandments on the wall behind them and administer godly justice based on God’s Word.
Imagine this:
The fire of God hits those living in sexual immorality and they turn from their sin. They become evangelists, bold and full of joy, as they realize who they really are in Christ and why they were born.
Imagine this:
Local schools, colleges, universities have the manifested Presence of the Lord, so much that you can feel it when you walk onto their campuses. The youth are gathering and packing the great football stadiums in every state with youth rallies. They go out from there with a fire in their bones to rebuild the ruined cities.
Imagine this:
The media reporters are running to and fro trying to cover all the reported miracles. Hollywood is producing good television programs and movies with happy endings. Many celebrities are sharing how Jesus changed their lives.
Imagine this:
The CEO’s of Google, Apple and Microsoft start all their business meetings with prayer and encourage their employees to attend bible studies during their lunch hour.
Imagine this:
No one celebrates Halloween anymore.
At Christmas time everyone decorates their yards with mangers.
Imagine this:
Casinos shut down. Bars close. The weather returns to normal temperatures and patterns. Christians United for Israel has one billion members.
Imagine this:
The Glory of God is revealed, covering the earth with the peace of God that rests upon the cities of every nation on earth.
Imagine this, Beloved
The Harvest/The Plan does a quick work and produces fruit worldwide.
Our work is all done.
“His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather the wheat into His barn …” Luke 3:17
And you wondered at times if your pray work was producing real change.
And sometimes you felt pretty alone in prayer.
And you thought that all those pray meetings weren’t doing all that much for your city.
“As I spoke to Joshua, every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you … no man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life for as I was with My people, Israel, so I am with you in these last days to raise up the church anointed in glory with power that each one should be strong and very courageous and prosper and do exploits in My name.”
Dear ones, if God be with us and for us … “Nothing shall be impossible to him who believes.” History has recorded many demonstrations of God’s power that have already taken place in different revivals of the past. Remember the Azusa Street Revival?
One awakening began on Wall Street with noon-time prayer meetings during 1857-1858. The book “Narratives of Remarkable Conversions and Revival Incidents” by William C. Conant has some outstanding reports about that revival. I recommend the edition with and introduction by Henry Ward Beecher. This book will stir up your faith! You can order it from Amazon.
Suggested Assignment
Make a list of things you are believing God to change in your life ... perhaps salvation to family members. Use your godly imagination to record descriptions of what you would like the result to look like.
Praying people are called for such a time as this.
Just because there’s opposition, doesn’t mean it’s not working!
Keep praying Saints!
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