Do you have a journal?
Many years ago I heard a teaching by Lynn Hammond about how important it is to have a prayer journal. Lynn is an author and intercessor. She and her husband Mac started Living Word Christian Center in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota many years ago.
I noticed my journals have changed over the past thirty-five years, but still contain heart secrets from my Father. They are also used for my personal Bible Studies. My journal and my Bible are always together.
I felt led to share some nuggets from the pages of my journal which I wrote the first couple of weeks in January. Some are short directives from Heaven; others are notes from my studies:
Build life by exercising the law of faith in Romans 8:2. How? By speaking words of faith and love.
The way God provides for me is through a seed. The scriptures are seed that need to be planted. A seed will meet any need. Philippians 4:19
The Word begins to build an image on the inside. Line up with the Word. The enemy is after that image.
Understanding Kingdom authority — Whatever you allow, heaven allows. (Matthew 16:19) Every place the sole of your foot shall tread ... Joshua 1:3
Boldness: The righteous are bold as a lion. Proverbs 28:1 & Proverbs 30:30
It’s all flowing out of image.
Study of Colossians 1:9-11:
Knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding
Walking worthy of the LORD
Which produces:
The fullness of pleasing Him
Which produces:
Being fruitful in every good work
Which produces
Increasing in the knowledge of God
Which will produce
Being strengthened with ALL might
To His glorious power
All patience and longsuffering with joy
That produces
Giving thanks to the Father
Has qualified us to be
Partakers of the inheritance
The Saints
In the light.
Conclusion: I am delivered from the power of darkness and conveyed into His Kingdom – all that the Kingdom is and has we inherited as joint heirs
What to do with contrary thoughts:
Never wonder why it’s not working
SLAP THEM DOWN! Al (my friend) likes to say: “Oh no you don’t!!!”
Faith is the golden key to the Kingdom of God resources.
i.e. — like someone of honor who is given the key to the city.
Prayer: effective strategies for America’s officials – active participation (continual prayer is necessary from the corporate church)
Three views of Healing:
1. Healing has been done away with
2. God does heal — only IF it’s His will
3. Healing, along with Salvation, belongs to His Body and to the world.
Jesus is God’s gift to the world
Holy Spirit is God’s gift to The Church
Acts 3:2 The lame man
Acts 3:16 “And His name, through faith in His name, has made this man strong...”
Did you have to wait for two years to receive salvation? No! Why wait for healing? It’s the same thing. Healing came with the package!
Sickness comes from satan. God is not the author.
The anointing is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. It is power (dunamis).
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is the gateway to the supernatural. The biggest miracle is the NEW BIRTH!
The anointing on Jesus wouldn’t work for people in His home town. (Matthew 13:58)
The anointing works — through faith.
The earth has been given to the children of men. (Psalm 115:16)
Faith in His name
Jesus — the perfect will of God
He hasn’t changed nor the Father
The name has been given to men for them to use
Study: Hebrews 1:2
Father appointed Jesus heir of all things
Jesus is the lawful owner of everything— He has legal rights
Wrote 1 Peter 3:22 on a card...placed in my kitchen
Abraham and his seed received the promise that he would be heir of the world, not through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. (Romans 4:12-13)
Connection: live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed. (1 Peter 2:24)
The planet is groaning for the manifestation of the sons of God (Romans 8:19)
Psalm 103:1-5 Longevity ... If you don’t believe for it, you won’t get it
Faith is an act
Faith is voice activated
Study: Love fulfills all the law
A new commandment: love one another as I have loved you (John 13:34)
Faith works through love
The Body of Christ is the Body of the anointing
Enemies of love:
Spirit of division: racism, employers & employees, political parties, etc.
Spirit of division: husband & wives (dogged determination to correct one another)
Spirit of division: Offense & strife – avoid disputes
Taking communion: Discern the Body (many are sick, weak, dead) 1 Corinthians 12:27-34 & 1 Corinthians 12:25)
Forgive quickly
Walking in love is walking in healing
Be kind, forgiving one another as God in Christ forgave you (Ephesians 4:32)
He who loves fulfills the law (Romans 13:8 & 10)
Perfect love casts out all fear
Study: What is man? Psalm 8
Original text: man is not under the angels but made a little lower than Elohim vs. 5
The Kingdom of God is ruled by a king. It is not a democracy.
In His Kingdom there’s no intellectual debating — His Word is final authority
“I am watching over My Word to perform it ...” (Jeremiah 1:12)
It’s time to walk in authority, the authority of the Word
If your soul is not prosperous — mind, will, emotions — it will act like a 2 year old screaming for what it wants. (Flesh) This hinders the spirit man where the Word of God abides. Derails the faith connection ...exactly what satan wants.
Must renew the mind
Meditate: 3 John 2
Study: Words
The enemy wants to pressure us into speaking words to bring things in that we don’t want
Numbers 13 & 14
He told Israel they were going to take the land
Majority said — we can’t do it. We’re going to die if we go there...
God cannot lie. Promises are His will. His will is manifested by preaching...Titus 1:2-3
It is His plan to prosper us. (Jeremiah 29:11-14)
Closing Comments
I don’t mind telling you I was somewhat hesitant about sharing notes from my journal for this lesson. After all, my journal is private business ... but I did leave out a couple of personal things.
One thing I recognized after reviewing this lesson was an overall picture of what He was saying to me. There was more here than I thought. And the way I study isn't always the same. My present study in the Book of Isaiah has a different format. I just seek to follow my Teacher's instructions ... it's more fun this way!
But what if I had not written these things down?
Certainly, this learning process called “living by faith” is quite a journey and it seems the more we know about spiritual things, the more we find out how much more there is to know!
This lesson caused me to go back and read through a couple of old journals I had as a baby Christian. What a mishmash of disorder! There were lots of up and down days dealing with family and inner conflicts, yet striving to walk the walk of faith. I also was pleased to notice names of people with needs on those prayer lists and how God has answered so many prayers over the years. Now that will boost your faith!
You don’t have to be a writer to have a journal. Give God the opportunity and He will help you to express yourself in writing. Quiet times separated to the LORD slow us down so that He can reveal Himself and also help pull up hidden things of the heart. There's just something about writing with pen and paper ... "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10)
This is the secret place of the Most High, one in which He can touch our innermost being with His love and joy, strengthening us; or bringing correction for success that can mature our inner man for advancement. I have found many times while writing that He has revealed answers to me. Why? My spirit, soul, and body got quiet. And, of course, praying in tongues often accompanies these times.
So, we can see that "prayer times" accompany different aspects of what is known as “being in the Spirit.” Think about the Apostles. Deep spiritual truths were written in their letters for the edification of The Church. Their impact is astounding for the advancement of God's Kingdom on earth!
Don’t you want to record your own personal treasures from heaven in your life book?
“How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How great is the sum of them!” Psalm 139:17
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Kenneth E. Hagin: Excellent teaching on prayer you don't want to miss! It's less than an hour long.
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